Top "Bundle-identifier" questions

A bundle identifier lets iOS and OS X recognise any updates to your app.

How to obtain Bundle ID for an IOS App when I have a '.ipa' file for the app installed on my iPAD

I am trying to automate a test on my ipad which has my app installed on it. I am using …

ios appium bundle-identifier
"This app contains an app extension with an illegal bundle identifier" issue

I'm a bit mixed up, since I changed the app name, Bundle Display name, and Bundle identifier name...and now …

xcode ios-app-extension ios8-today-widget bundle-identifier
Xcode 6: how to set a custom bundle identifier?

In Xcode 6, I need to set a custom bundle identifier for my app store target. I'm trying this: I tap …

ios xcode swift xcode6 bundle-identifier
iOS Developer Bundle ID & App Name Already in Use

The company I work for created an app, we uploaded it to the app and it was rejected for some …

ios bundle-identifier
How to completely remove bundle id in iOS development?

How can I reuse the bundle ID I have created for the app ID? I even delete the associated app …

ios bundle-identifier
iOS extensions with multiple targets

In iOS 8, when we create an app extension, we have to decide which target it is attached to. The extension …

ios plist code-signing ios-app-extension bundle-identifier
Do I have to register a new Bundle ID to upload new application to iTune Connect?

it is my very first time to upload an application to iTune Connect, and this one freaks me out: The …

ios xcode app-store-connect app-id bundle-identifier
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'App Extension' in SDK 'iOS 8.0'

“I am going to upload the binary of my app which contains App Extension but it give errors that the …

ios8 provisioning-profile ios-app-extension bundle-identifier
Invalid code signing entitlements error upon iTunes Connect validation for iOS app

I am attempting to validate my iOS app in Xcode. However, upon validation, I receive the following error: The following …

ios xcode app-store-connect code-signing bundle-identifier
Cordova overwrites bundle identifier after changing it

I'm developing an IOS app using cordova, the problem is that I created the project with the wrong bundle identifier. …

ios cordova bundle-identifier