Top "Build-process" questions

The process of converting source code files into standalone software artifact(s) that can be run on a computer

OpenOffice command line PDF creation

I have some documentation written in OpenOffice, and I would like to include some of it as PDF files in …

build-process build-automation nant libreoffice
Is it possible to create an "uber" jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file?

I'm trying to create a executable jar(using maven) that contains the project classes and it's dependencies with a manifest …

java maven-2 build-process maven-plugin uberjar
Build numbers: major.minor.revision

How would you write a build.xml file, using neither custom code nor external dependencies (such as a shell script), …

java ant build-process versioning
Execute Maven plugin goal on parent module, but not on children

We have a multi-module maven project that uses a profile that defines a buildnumber-maven-plugin to increment a build number and …

version-control maven-2 build-process versioning
How to run Eclipse launch configurations programmatically?

I'm finding it difficult to phrase this question well, as there are quite a few generic terms (run, configuration, launch, …

eclipse build-process eclipse-plugin eclipse-pde
How can I configure Hudson to send an email for EVERY build, not just those that change the project's status?

I've recently migrated my CI server from an old version of CruiseControl to Hudson. The only feature I miss from …

build-process continuous-integration build-automation hudson
Renaming files during ANT copy

I'd like to copy a directory of files, and rename some of them in the process. When I run the …

ant build-process build-automation file-manipulation
How to filter the xcodebuild command line output?

Running xcodebuild from the console will bring you very verbose output and I wasn't able to locate any options for …

xcode build-process console build-automation xcodebuild
How does ivy:publish work?

I'm completely at loss how the ant task ivy:publish is supposed to work. I would expect that I do …

java ant build-process build-automation ivy
Running multiple TeamCity Agents on the same computer?

We have several build machines, each running a single TeamCity build agent. Each machine is very strong, and we'd like …

continuous-integration teamcity build-process