QA team uses HP Quality Center, Dev team wants to use JIRA -- will this work?

frankadelic picture frankadelic · Aug 12, 2010 · Viewed 21k times · Source

Our QA team uses HP Quality Center for defect tracking, test plans, etc.

The dev team really detests Quality Center and wants to use JIRA for internal task tracking. Can these two systems work seamlessly together?

I have worked on projects where 2 teams used separate issue-tracking systems and keeping them in sync was a major headache.

Anyone have real-world experience integrating Quality Center and JIRA?


Edward Leno picture Edward Leno · Aug 12, 2010

You will need a 'bridge' between Quality Center and JIRA. JIRA has APIs to allow you to build and/or customize these interfaces. I have worked with Orasi, which has a bridge (no idea on the cost).