Top "Bufferedimage" questions

double-buffering in desktop GUI applications.

Can I create a BufferedImage from a JPanel without rendering in a JFrame?

Is it possible to create a BufferedImage from a JPanel without first rendering it in a JFrame? I've searched everywhere …

java swing jframe jpanel bufferedimage
Java BufferedImage how to know if a pixel is transparent

I'm going to use the getRGB method of BufferedImage. I want to check the pixels of an image and see …

java transparency bufferedimage
Convert from RGB TO HSB in java

I am trying to find the average colour in a picture, and convert the colours to HSB. I am using …

java rgb bufferedimage hsb
How to convert a BufferedImage to 8 bit?

I was looking at the ImageConverter class, trying to figure out how to convert a BufferedImage to 8-bit color, but …

java image image-processing bufferedimage 8-bit
Isolating Red/Green/Blue Channel in Java BufferedImage

How to isolate red/green/blue channel in BufferedImage: I have following code that does NOT work:` public static BufferedImage …

java image-processing colors bufferedimage color-channel
How to create a BufferedImage from raw data

I'm trying to get a BufferedImage from raw samples, but I get exceptions about trying to read past the available …

java scala awt bufferedimage
Why does ImageReader return incorrect BufferedImage?

I'm trying to access a animated GIF image with 21 frames and then read the 12th (cause it starts at 0?) frame. …

java bufferedimage javax.imageio
Java ImageWriter BufferedImage to GIF

I hope you guys can help me with this one. I'm not sure if it is a bug in Java …

java gif bufferedimage javax.imageio bytearrayoutputstream
Converting BufferedImage to ByteBuffer

I'm trying to convert a Buffered image into a ByteBuffer but i get this exception java.awt.image.DataBufferInt cannot …

java image-processing bufferedimage bytebuffer
Java TGA loader

I am looking for a small and free TGA image loading class or library for java. Ideally the result is …

java image loading bufferedimage tga