Top "Buffer-overflow" questions

Usually occurs when you attempt to copy data into a buffer without checking for sufficient space, causing data to be overwritten in neighboring cells.

What C/C++ tools can check for buffer overflows?

I've been asked to maintain a large C++ codebase full of memory leaks. While poking around, I found out that …

c++ c buffer-overflow buffer-overrun
Using buffer overflow to execute shell code

I've been learning computer security lately and come across a couple problems, and i'm having some trouble with this one …

c assembly buffer-overflow shellcode
How can I use strncat without buffer overflow concerns?

I have a buffer, I am doing lot of strncat. I want to make sure I never overflow the buffer …

c string buffer-overflow
Why does this memory address %fs:0x28 ( fs[0x28] ) have a random value?

I've written a piece of C code and I've disassembled it as well as read the registers to understand how …

c gcc x86-64 buffer-overflow disassembly
Is PHP buffer overflow possible?

Possible Duplicate: How to conduct buffer overflow in PHP/Python? I was reading this tutorial, when I came into this: …

php buffer-overflow
Set RTSP/UDP buffer size in FFmpeg/LibAV

Note: I'm aware ffmpeg and libav are different libraries. This is a problem common to both. Disclaimer: Duplicate of SO …

ffmpeg udp rtsp buffer-overflow libav
If your stack and heap are non-executable, how can your code run?

I read a book about buffer overflow, and it suggest the next to deal with: Making the stack (and heap) …

c security buffer-overflow
Why is the fgets function deprecated?

From The GNU C Programming Tutorial: The fgets ("file get string") function is similar to the gets function. This function …

c file-io gnu c99 buffer-overflow
How to disable buffer overflow checking in the Visual C++ Runtime?

i, and a few thousand other people, are getting an error being thrown by the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime: Which …

windows compatibility buffer-overflow msvcrt
Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Lab problems

I have a lab assignment that I am stuck on. Basically, I have to take advantage of a buffer overflow …

c security buffer-overflow fortify-source