Top "Browser-bugs" questions

Can't scroll to top of flex item that is overflowing container

So, in attempting to make a useful modal using flexbox, I found what seems to be a browser issue and …

html css flexbox browser-bugs
Thai line breaking: how to break Thai text effectively

Situation with Thai text on a client site is that we can't control where exactly particular words/sentences are going …

html css unicode internationalization browser-bugs
Why are images centered vertically with `line-height` positioned 2 pixels below where they should be?

Short story: jsfiddle here. The behavior is consistently wrong in Chrome 21, Firefox 15 and IE9, which makes me think I'm misunderstanding …

css image center vertical-alignment browser-bugs
Why does IE nuke window.ABC variables?

When running the following block of code, FF and Chrome output typeof(hiya) = string while IE7/8 output typeof(hiya) = undefined. &…

javascript internet-explorer scope browser-bugs