Top "Boxplot" questions

Boxplot is a form of displaying cardinally scaled data displaying robust summary statistics as graphical elements.

How do I draw a violin plot using ggplot2?

Can I use ggplot2 to produce a violin plot? Perhaps using some variation of geom_boxplot()?

r graphics ggplot2 data-visualization boxplot
Histogram with Boxplot above in Python

Hi I wanted to draw a histogram with a boxplot appearing the top of the histogram showing the Q1,Q2 …

python matplotlib histogram boxplot seaborn
geom_boxplot() from ggplot2 : forcing an empty level to appear

I can't find a way to ask ggplot2 to show an empty level in a boxplot without imputing my dataframe …

r ggplot2 boxplot r-factor
R boxplot and stripchart side-by-side in 1 figure

Is it possible to plot a boxplot and a stripchart next to each other in the same figure? If I …

r boxplot stripchart
How to align title and subtitle in ggplot2 when generated via expression

I'm using the code below to generate a simple box plot in ggplot2: # Libs data data("mtcars"); require(ggplot2); require(…

r charts ggplot2 boxplot plotmath
What exactly do the whiskers in pandas' boxplots specify?

In python-pandas boxplots with default settings, the red bar is the mean median, and the box signifies the 25th and 75…

pandas boxplot
Matplotlib boxplot using precalculated (summary) statistics

I need to do a boxplot (in Python and matplotlib) but I do not have the original "raw" data. What …

python matplotlib boxplot
Adding Different Percentiles in boxplots in R

I am failry new to R and recently used it to make some Boxplots. I also added the mean and …

r boxplot ggplot2 percentile