Top "Bower-install" questions

Bower is a package manager for the web.

How to fix "bower ENOTFOUND"

I'm trying to install script on VPS(on my local machine works fine) and I …

javascript bower bower-install
fatal: unable to access '': Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version

I am facing this issue in jenkins when i run bower install --allow-root. The build fails displaying the following error: …

angularjs git jenkins github bower-install
bower ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads > [email protected]:mobify/bellows.git", exit code of #128

I am trying to install the pinny1.0 plugin using bower as: bower install …

github bower-install mobify mobify-js
missing bower_components folder after bower install

In a personnal project, I ran this morning npm install && bower install after a svn checkout. All packages …

node.js npm bower bower-install
“EMALFORMED Failed to read bower.json” "unexpected token /"

i rather new to mean stack and i'm trying to pull some components using bower. I have my .bowerrc file …

node.js angularjs bower mean-stack bower-install
How to install Polymer iron-elements using bower?

How to install polymer iron and paper elements for Polymer 0.9 using bower? Tried using bower to install in a way …

html polymer bower bower-install
Custom paths for package managers like Nuget/npm/bower/typings

I'm setting up a project in Visual Studio based on AngularJS and Typescript and it's a bit discouraging that I …

npm bower bower-install npm-install tsd
Error installing Bower (ERR! tar.unpack untar error)

I get this error when trying to install Bower. Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong? I …

npm bower bower-install
How to install bower on centos 7

I am trying to install bower on centos7, after installing nodejs. To install nodejs I follows these steps Step1: wget …

linux node.js npm bower bower-install
Bower install hangs

I am trying to install packages with bower. No matter what package I seem to try to install, bower outputs …

npm bower bower-install