how boot loader is different from bootstrap loader. According to me bootstrap loaders are stored in ROM and boot loaders are in hard disk in MBR (please correct me if I am wrong). bootstrap loader is the first program which get executed after startup. Now I am not getting the meaning of these sentences:- After power on , the bootloader is controlling the board and does not rely on the linux kernel on any way. And The bootstrap loader acts as a glue between the bootloader and the linux kernel. what these mean? And why we require both of them?
Bootstrap Loader
0 : Power On!
1 : CPU Power On! CPU try to find something in ROM(Or ERROM)
2 : Find BIOS (or other firmware). Run BIOS
3 : BIOS(bootstrap loader and other functions) run
4 : BIOS try to find something in MBR
5 : Find MBR(512 bytes) there is some useful information of the partition
6 : Copy the MBR content into physical disk 0x7c00 where is the location of the Grub.
7 : Grub(a type of bootloader) use the information of the MBR finds a linux! Prepare to run.
8 : Run your linux!