Top "Boost-serialization" questions


boost serialization vs google protocol buffers?

Does anyone with experience with these libraries have any comment on which one they preferred? Were there any performance differences …

c++ performance serialization protocol-buffers boost-serialization
boost::asio read n bytes from socket to streambuf

I have a serialized structure, which is being sent via socket. I need to read it in chunks, since one …

c++ boost boost-asio boost-serialization streambuf
Serialize to XML using boost::serialization

This is a newbie question. I am trying to serialize some objects to XML, but the resulting XML contains a …

c++ xml boost-serialization
Where to put BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT for boost::serialization?

I'm trying to serialize a pointer to a polymorphic class Shape. So I need to use the BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT …

c++ boost-serialization
Help compiling and using boost c++ libraries

I am working on a C++ project where I'd like to use boost's serialization libraries. I downloaded and installed the …

c++ boost-serialization bjam
how to build boost serialization library

I read somewhere that the serialization library of boost has to be compiled (I forgot where I read it, otherwise …

c++ boost build compilation boost-serialization
How to hook up Boost serialization & iostreams to serialize & gzip an object to string?

I've been using the Boost serialization library, which is actually pretty nice, and lets me make simple wrappers to save …

c++ boost boost-serialization boost-iostreams ostringstream