Top "Booleanquery" questions

This tag is used in information retrieval scenario when you write a query with multiple rules combined with bolean conjunctive predicates.

Boolean Algebra : Prove that

I was having trouble with the following problem in boolean algebra i.e. A+A'B = A+B I need to …

boolean-logic booleanquery
Elastic query DSL: Wildcards in terms filter?

I am trying to filter the documents using terms filter. I am not sure how to introduce wildcards in filter. …

elasticsearch wildcard querydsl booleanquery
Elasticsearch - combining query_string and bool query in filter

Is it possible to combine query_string and bool query in filter query? For Example - { "filter": { "query_string": { "query": "…

elasticsearch lucene query-string booleanquery
Quick way to check if the pandas series contains a negative value

What is the quickest way to check if the given pandas series contains a negative value. For example, for the …

python pandas series negative-number booleanquery
Oracle SQL - CASE syntax

Assume this query which functions fine: SELECT first_name, consultant_id, CASE consultant_id WHEN 1 THEN 'First Consultant' WHEN 2 THEN …

sql oracle case-when booleanquery
Lucene OR search using Boolean query

I have an index with multiple fields, one of which is a string field in which I store category names …

java apache lucene booleanquery