Top "Bluetooth" questions

Bluetooth is a global open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short wavelength radio transmissions) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security.

Use BlueZ Stack As A Peripheral (Advertiser)

Goal: Use BlueZ and an Bluetooth 4LE dongle to create a peripheral that advertises the bluetooth equivalent of "Hello World". …

linux bluetooth core-bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions

I'm trying to implement an Android application to receive data from a medical device but I can't get through the …

android bluetooth serial-port
How To Modify Android's Bluetooth Stack to Enable A2dp Sink

I'm working on an audio recorder app that uses a bluetooth mic to record audio on to an Android device (…

android bluetooth audio-recording microphone a2dp
How to stream audio from one Android device to another Android device Via Bluetooth?

Is it possible to stream audio over bluetooth? During my research I found that is it only possible using A2…

android bluetooth audio-streaming android-bluetooth a2dp
Can an Android device act as an iBeacon?

Can an Android device act as an iBeacon and figure out when other Android devices come in its range? Do …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon android-bluetooth
How can an iPhone access another non-iPhone device over wireless or Bluetooth?

I'm trying to figure out if an iPhone can connect to another non-iPhone device over wireless or Bluetooth and have …

iphone iphone-sdk-3.0 bluetooth wireless bonjour
How to programmatically force bluetooth low energy service discovery on Android without using cache

I am using Android 4.4.2 on a Nexus 7. I have a bluetooth low energy peripheral whose services change when it is …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy service-discovery
Bluetooth Low Energy startScan on Android 6.0 does not find devices

I'm developing an application with Bluetooth Low Energy using Nexus 5. It worked on Lollipop and now it is not working …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy android-6.0-marshmallow
Bluetooth data transfer between two Android devices

I have been following this Android guide for Bluetooth communication To explain exactly what I want to do, when the …

java android bluetooth transfer
How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android

Hi this may sound as a stupid question.But I was unable to find any answers for this, thus posting …

android bluetooth discovery