Top "Bluetooth-sco" questions

Synchronous connection-oriented (SCO) is a type of radio link used for voice data transfer in bluetooth devices.

How to get bluetooth connected devices using BluetoothHeadset API

I want to get list of bluetooth connected devices...not just paired devices. I found BluetoothHeadset API in API level 11 …

android bluetooth bluetooth-sco
Capture Audio through Bluetooth Headset paired with Android Device

I am trying to capture audio from a Bluetooth Headset paired with an Android Device. Following is the relevant code: …

android audio android-bluetooth bluetooth-sco
Stream and Play audio from android application to any available Speaker like A2DP,Car speakers etc

From my android application I want to stream audio to any available speaker like A2DP speaker ,docking speakers or …

android audio-streaming docking bluetooth-sco