Bluebird is a fully featured promise library for client and server JavaScript with focus on innovative features and performance.
I tried using Angular with Bluebird promises: HTML: <body ng-app="HelloApp"> <div ng-controller="HomeController">{{name}} {{also}}&…
javascript angularjs promise bluebird angular-promiseI'm using the following code which working OK, but the problem is that when I get an error, I want …
javascript node.js promise bluebirdWhat is the best way to handle this scenario. I am in a controlled environment and I don't want to …
javascript node.js asynchronous promise bluebirdI have the following promise chain below and it appears to be quite messy (Each _create* function returns a promise): …
javascript promise bluebirdI need to build a function for processing large CSV files for use in a call. Given the …
node.js promise bluebird pg-promiseI have a nodejs / typescript 2 project and use the es6-promise package. Now i would like to get rid of …
javascript typescript ecmascript-6 bluebirdI have the following code. And it works as expected without throwing a unhandled rejection error. p = new Promise (fulfill, …
javascript coffeescript bluebird es6-promise unhandled-exceptionI am able to successfully perform a Promise.all, and gracefully handle resolves and rejects. However, some promises complete within …
javascript angularjs angular-promise es6-promise bluebird