Top "Bluebird" questions

Bluebird is a fully featured promise library for client and server JavaScript with focus on innovative features and performance.

Are there still reasons to use promise libraries like Q or BlueBird now that we have ES6 promises?

After Node.js added native support for promises, are there still reasons to use libraries like Q or BlueBird? For …

javascript node.js promise q bluebird
Catching Errors in JavaScript Promises with a First Level try ... catch

So, I want my first level catch to be the one that handles the error. Is there anyway to propagate …

javascript node.js promise bluebird
How do I handle errors with promises?

As a node programmer. I'm used to use "nodebacks" for handling errors in my code: myFn(param, function(err, data) { …

javascript node.js error-handling promise bluebird
What is the equivalent of Bluebird Promise.finally in native ES6 promises?

Bluebird offers a finally method that is being called whatever happens in your promise chain. I find it very handy …

javascript promise bluebird
How to extract data out of a Promise

I have a promise that returns data and I want to save that in variables. Is this impossible in JavaScript …

javascript promise ecmascript-6 bluebird es6-promise
Bluebird, promises and then()

I've been only using bluebird for a few days but I want to go over all my old code and …

javascript node.js promise bluebird
Promise.resolve vs new Promise(resolve)

I'm using bluebird and I see two ways to resolve synchronous functions into a Promise, but I don't get the …

javascript promise bluebird
How do you properly promisify request?

Bluebird promisifaction is a little magic, and request is quite a mess (it's a function which behaves as an object …

javascript promise bluebird
What is the difference between then and finally in a promise?

I see the docs for Bluebird's finally but I still don't quite understand the difference vs. then. To be clear: …

javascript node.js promise bluebird
Placement of catch BEFORE and AFTER then

I have trouble understanding the difference between putting .catch BEFORE and AFTER then in a nested promise. Alternative 1: test1Async(10).…

javascript node.js promise bluebird