The business logic layer (BLL) is the layer in a multi-layer software architecture which separates the business logic from other layers such as the data access layer (DAL) and user interface (UI or presentation layer).
My question is about 3 layer architecture. My project is briefly something like the below, however what annoyed me is after …
c# architecture data-access-layer layer bllI'm making my way through the early Data Access Tutorials on Microsoft's ASP.NET website and it occurred to me …
model-view-controller data-access-layer bllI'm trying to write a small app with very strict boundaries between BLL and DAL and am now wondering what …
c# user-interface dns data-access-layer bllSolution setup: DAL (class library) BLL (class library) Common (class library (some common functionality - enums, logging, exceptions,...)) Application1 (Windows …
c# .net data-access-layer bll