Top "Blazor-server-side" questions

Server-side Blazor is a web framework from Microsoft to create single page apps running on the server.

How to store session data in server-side blazor

In a server-side Blazor app I'd like to store some state that is retained between page navigation. How can I …

c# server-side blazor blazor-server-side
How to redirect to a different route in Blazor Server-side

In Blazor Client a redirection can be achieved using using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser.Services; (...) BrowserUriHelper.Instance.NavigateTo("/route") This …

c# blazor-server-side
Execute async method on button click in blazor

I created a "Razor Components" project. I am trying to execute an asynchronous method when pressing a button, but could …

c# razor blazor blazor-server-side razor-components
Blazor component : refresh parent when model is updated from child component

I'm using Server-side Blazor components in ASP.NET Core 3 preview 4. I have a parent component, and child components, using the …

c# blazor blazor-server-side
Is there any hot reload for blazor server-side?

I have just one, quick question. Is there way to hot reload a blazor app? At least, .razor files? Now …

c# cordova blazor blazor-server-side cordova9
Creating charts in Blazor

So basically I want to create charts with server-side blazor, I was searching around for some packages which would allow …

c# charts blazor-server-side
How to turn on CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors?

I'm getting this message in the console when running a server-side Blazor app: Error: There was an unhandled exception on …

c# blazor blazor-server-side
Get Current User in a Blazor component

I'm starting a new site with Blazor and Windows Authentication and need to identify the current user viewing the page/… blazor .net-core-3.0 blazor-server-side ef-core-3.0
Blazor link - disable href if there's an onclick method

In Blazor I have an <a> element that has both a href and an onclick method: <a …

c# blazor blazor-server-side
How to pass a parameter to razor component in server-side Blazor?

How can I pass parameter into razor component? So far I tried @(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<Rateplan>(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered, …

c# blazor blazor-server-side razor-components