Blade is the simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with Laravel.
I am developing a Laravel(5.2.29) project in Windows environment and testing it on Chrome browser. I have made some changes …
laravel bladeFrom the Laravel docs, you can include 'sections' inside layouts using two methods: <html> <body> @section(…
laravel bladeIn blade template i use last() method to find last iteration of foreach loop: @foreach ($colors as $k => $v) &…
php laravel laravel-5 blade laravel-bladeIn Laravel blade you can do: {{ $variable or 'default' }} This will check if a variable is set or not. I …
php laravel bladeUsing Laravel 4's Form class, we can create a list using {{ @Form::select('colors', Colors::all()), $color }} Question: How can …
laravel laravel-4 bladeIf you look to laravel official documentation It says that giving this layout: <!-- …
php laravel laravel-4 template-engine blade