Top "Bitbucket-pipelines" questions

Questions related to Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CD.

Using BitBucket Pipelines to Deploy onto VPS via SSH Access

I have been trying to wrap my head around how to utilise BitBucket's Pipelines to auto-deploy my (Laravel) application onto …

docker ssh bitbucket vps bitbucket-pipelines
Is it possible to use multiple docker images in bitbucket pipeline?

I have this pipeline file to unittest my project: image: jameslin/python-test pipelines: default: - step: script: - service mysql …

Bitbucket Pipelines - multiple branches with same steps

Is it possible to combine multiple branches that have the same steps within bitbucket pipelines? ex: The teams I work …

git yaml bitbucket bitbucket-pipelines
Make variable visible across steps in Bitbucket pipelines?

I would like to share a variable across two steps. I define it like: - export MY_VAR="FOO-$BITBUCKET_…

environment-variables bitbucket-pipelines
How to save artifacts in Bitbucket-Pipelines

I am new to bamboo. What I try to do is collecting all .dacpac files that are created during the …

bamboo bitbucket-pipelines
Bitbucket Pipelines share SOME steps between branches

Is it possible to share steps between branches and still run branch specific steps? For example, the develop and release …

bitbucket bitbucket-pipelines
Terraform error refreshing state access denied

I'm using gitbucket for both my repository and for pipelines. I have a terraform config file with a remote state …

amazon-s3 terraform bitbucket-pipelines gitbucket
Upload entire Bitbucket repo to S3 using Bitbucket Pipeline

I'm using Bitbuckets Pipeline. I want it to push the entire contents of my repo (very small) to S3. I …

amazon-s3 bitbucket bitbucket-pipelines
Receive error 'Invalid legacy provider address' with Terraform in Bitbucket pipeline

I'm trying to deploy a bitbucket pipeline using terraform v0.14.3 to create resources in google cloud. The pipeline fails with …

terraform bitbucket-pipelines terraform-provider-gcp