Top "Binding" questions

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Binding ItemsSource of a ComboBoxColumn in WPF DataGrid

I have two simple Model classes and a ViewModel... public class GridItem { public string Name { get; set; } public int CompanyID { …

.net wpf binding wpfdatagrid datagridcomboboxcolumn
How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

There are lot of materials out there differentiating value attribute and binding attribute in JSF. I'm interested in how both …

jsf jsf-2 binding components
WPF Binding to parent DataContext

We have a WPF application with a standard MVVM pattern, leveraging Cinch (and therefore MefedMVVM) for View -> ViewModel …

c# wpf binding
How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter?

I'm using a BooleanToVisibilityConverter in WPF to bind the Visibility property of a control to a Boolean. This works fine, …

.net wpf binding visibility
How to pass specific value to the converter parameter?

I have created a class Person that looks like this: public class Person { public enum GenderType { Female, Male } public string …

.net wpf xaml binding converter
Early and late binding

I'm trying to get my head around when early/late binding occurs in C#. Non-virtual methods are always early bound. …

c# binding late-binding
how to bind width of child element to width of parent element in silverlight

I have a grid whose width is "1*". So the actual width decided at runtime I think. Within that grid I …

wpf xaml binding silverlight-4.0 width
how to pass an integer as ConverterParameter?

I am trying to bind to an integer property: <RadioButton Content="None" IsChecked="{Binding MyProperty, Converter={StaticResource IntToBoolConverter}, ConverterParameter=0}" /&…

wpf binding ivalueconverter