Top "Binarywriter" questions

C# and .NET: How to serialize a structure into a byte[] array, using BinaryWriter?

How to serialize a rather complex structure into a byte[] array, using BinaryWriter? Update: For this to work, every structure (…

c# serialization binarywriter
Why does BinaryWriter prepend gibberish to the start of a stream? How do you avoid it?

I'm debugging some issues with writing pieces of an object to a file and I've gotten down to the base …

c# binarywriter filestream .net
How To Write A String Of Binary To File C#

I Have A String Of Binary Number Like temp = "0101110011" And I Want To Save That As File this Temp Have 10 …

c# bitarray binarywriter
Using BinaryWriter on an Object

My application is a small C# database, and I'm using BinaryWriter to save the database to a file which is …

c# database binarywriter
Why a BinaryWriter closes the outer Stream on disposal, and how to prevent that? (.NET C#)

I have one method that receives a Stream to write on it using a BinaryWriter. But when I dispose this …

c# .net stream binarywriter
Using BinaryWriter or BinaryReader in async code

I have a list of float to write to a file. The code below does the thing but it is …

c# async-await binaryreader binarywriter
Can't write to file using binarywriter

Why does this code not write my string to the file: string file = "Myfile.txt"; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); void …

c# filestream binarywriter
Display JPEG using Response.BinaryWrite

I'm displaying an image like this: <img src='counter.asp'> counter.asp is doing a hit-counter do determine …

vbscript asp-classic binarywriter
How to generate a binary file? C#

I need to make a method that generates a binary (4 bytes long), receives List of integers and writes this List …

c# binaryfiles binarywriter