A technology that enables a device to send push notifications to other devices within close proximity by using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
I am building a framework in which I need to import some objective-c frameworks for now I need to import "…
objective-c swift ibeacon beaconI want to connect with ble peripheral. But my code doesn't call didConect function this is my code : func centralManager(_ …
ios swift bluetooth-lowenergy beaconI am trying to write text data to my BLE device. So , i am following Android Bluetooth GATT classes to …
android bluetooth-lowenergy beaconGoogle added restrictions of not broadcasting the Bluetooth switch states to the app when the app in the background. This …
android beaconI'm trying to connect my Beacons to the Gattservice. In the Callback onConnectionStateChange, It's always failing and im getting the …
android bluetooth-lowenergy beacon gatt