Top "Bbedit" questions

It is marketed under the trademark slogan, "It doesn't suck.

Show SOME invisible/whitespace characters in Eclipse

A long while back I transitioned to doing all my web application development in Eclipse from BBEdit. But I miss …

eclipse tabs spaces bbedit
Auto-convert tab to 4 spaces in TextWrangler?

Is there a preference in Textwrangler to redefine a tab as 4 spaces? In Vim this is set expandtab in the …

tabs spaces textwrangler bbedit
Text editor function to indent multiple lines at once

I want to make my code more organized. So, whenever I copy a function from my functions.php file and …

indentation text-editor textwrangler bbedit
Escape double quotes of HTML attributes output by PHP

Often when writing PHP I'll have it output some HTML like this - echo "<a href="../" title="link title"&…

php html regex bbedit
BBEdit-compatible regex for remove blank lines

i've tried other regexes that are supposed to be able to remove blank lines from a document, but none of …

regex bbedit
How to indent JSON data inside of TextMate, Emacs, BBEdit, or Sublime Text 2?

[Update: 8 hours after this question was posted, the author of JSON bundle was notified of the issue and he fixed …

json emacs textmate sublimetext2 bbedit