Top "Bbcode" questions

Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards.

Cleaning HTML by removing extra/redundant formatting tags

I have been using CKEditor wysiwyg editor for a website where users are allowed to use the HTML editor to …

php html dom html-parsing bbcode
Best way to parse bbcode

I'd like to work on a bbcode filter for a php website. (I'm using cakephp, it would be a bbcode …

php cakephp bbcode sablecc
Linebreaks in TinyMCE editor show extra line on preview, not in code

I'm using the BBCode plugin with TinyMCE and see that line breaks are not showing the same between the preview …

tinymce bbcode rte
Any good javascript BBCode parser?

Currently i'm parsing bbcode server side but i'd like to show a preview just like this site does. If I …

javascript parsing bbcode
How change the CKEditor text using jQuery?

I have a textarea with CKEditor (bbCode Plugin). <textarea id="editor1" name="conteudo" class="form-control" rows="3" required></…

javascript jquery json ckeditor bbcode
Is there a solid BB code parser for PHP with no dependencies?

I've got a situation where the client is using php4 and doesn't look like they have PEAR. Is there an …

php bbcode
Can you suggest a Non-HTML WYSIWYG web editor?

I am scouting the market for a good WYSIWYG editor. My users are going to write stuff just like I'm …

editor wysiwyg markdown bbcode
PHPBB Optimal YouTube BBCode

Anyone knows the optimal bbcode to embed youtube videos in PHPBB3? I use the follwing: BBCode Usage: [youtube]http://{SIMPLETEXT1}…

html youtube phpbb bbcode
Convert BBcode to HTML using JavaScript/jQuery

Could I please get some help with coverting some PHP code to jQuery/JavaScript? What I want is a simple …

javascript jquery bbcode
Remove BBCode tags and their content in PHP

Possible Duplicates: Recursive BBCode Parsing Strip BBCode via RegEx What is the best way to remove all BBCode tags of …

php regex preg-replace bbcode