Top "Bazaar" questions

Bazaar is a free distributed version control system (DVCS).

examining history of deleted file

If I delete a file in Subversion, how can I look at it's history and contents? If I try to …

svn version-control bazaar
How to attribute a single commit to multiple developers?

The way all version control systems I'm familiar with work is that each commit is attributed to a single developer. …

git svn version-control bazaar
What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar?

What do folks here see as the relative strengths and weaknesses of Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar? In considering each of …

svn git version-control mercurial bazaar
Why to use SVN? Any hidden pros (over GIT/Mercurial/Bazaar) there?

Possible Duplicates: Why is git better than Subversion? I've already read a lot (not enough to get the perfect picture …

svn git version-control mercurial bazaar
Is it easier to manage code with Git or Bazaar?

I'm researching the Git and Bazaar capabilities and wonder which one has more feature-rich code management?

git version-control bazaar
Go back to old revision in Bazaar

I want to go back in my bazaar history (change working tree) to find the commit that introduced a certain …

version-control dvcs bazaar vcs-checkout
How to list versioned files in git?

I would like to list the versioned files in the root directory of a git repository. To do the same …

git bazaar
bzr pull vs bzr merge

I'm using bzr for a very simple task: getting the development version of GNU Emacs. After the initial bzr branch, …

version-control bazaar
How do I use Bazaar with a HTTP proxy?

How do I use Bazaar with a HTTP proxy? I can't find anything in their documentation.

bazaar http-proxy
Is it possible to do a partial clone/branch with either bazaar, mercurial or git?

Suppose I have a project in source control with a lot of subdirectories, many of which I don't need at …

git version-control mercurial bazaar