Run batch file as administrator on Jenkins?

DeepSpace101 picture DeepSpace101 · Dec 11, 2014 · Viewed 37.9k times · Source

We're using Jenkins on Win8 x64 to build (msbuild), package (cspack), run (csrun) and test (nunit) an azure cloud services project. The Azure cloud service emulators need to run as administrator plus we need to bind to ports 80/443 (so can't use "lite" emulators).

We're doing the above via a simple .bat file that Jenkins runs. Typically no user logs into the machine, it boots up and Jenkin's runs as a service that keeps monitoring our GIT repo and emails on failures. An admin manually logs into the machine just for maintenance (eg. apply patches or reboot machine etc)

How do we configure Jenkins to run that .bat as administrator without human interaction?

With a desktop UI we can right click a command prompt, run as admin, acknowledge the UAC prompt, get the elevated privilege prompt and run the .bat file.


DeepSpace101 picture DeepSpace101 · Jun 26, 2015

Our solution was to run the Jenkins' service as a separate local admin user. After installing Jenkins, Start => 'services' => Scroll to the Jenkins service => right click => properties => "log on" => "this account" => specify a local admin account.

Hopefully in newer Jenkins' builds it can work as the standard NETWORK SERVICE but for some reason it didn't with our box.