Tell AzCopy batch to overwrite files?

Josh Reynolds picture Josh Reynolds · Jul 3, 2017 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

So I'm using an AzCopy which is run manually at the moment but I was to run it through Task Scheduler on one of our servers. This copies files from one container to another and runs perfectly if I manually execute the batch file. However, it asks me:

Overwrite with (Yes/No/All)

Now this is all great and if I click Yes or All is proceeds with no problems. But if it is scheduled, I loose the ability to click Yes/All and then it hits timeout?

Is there a way or something I'm missing to allow it to continue through this please?

Thanks in advance!


Gaurav Mantri picture Gaurav Mantri · Jul 3, 2017

Please try it with /Y option. From AzCopy Parameters:


Suppresses all AzCopy confirmation prompts.