How to use expect inside bash script

Hasan Rumman picture Hasan Rumman · Jul 17, 2017 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

Could anybody please tell me why this is not working?

cd /home
touch somefile
spawn scp -r -P remoteServerPort somefile remoteServerIP:/home
expect "assword:"
send "MyPassWord\r"
echo "It's done"

It doesn't give any error but file is not transferred to remote server.I have tried many ways still couldn't find any solution.


Cristian Ramon-Cortes picture Cristian Ramon-Cortes · Jul 17, 2017

The bash script you have defined is passing the expect commands on the standard input of expect. However, the expect command requires its arguments on a file or as an argument using the -c option.

You have several options but to add the less modifications on your script you just need to use the process substitution to create a here-document (temporary) for the expect command.


  echo "[DEBUG] INIT BASH"

  cd /home
  touch somefile

  /usr/bin/expect <(cat << EOF
spawn scp -r -P remoteServerPort somefile remoteServerIP:/home
expect "Password:"
send "MyPassWord\r"

  echo "[DEBUG] END BASH"