How to use expr on float?

lauriys picture lauriys · Aug 10, 2009 · Viewed 53.7k times · Source

I know it's really stupid question, but I don't know how to do this in bash:

20 / 30 * 100

It should be 66.67 but expr is saying 0, because it doesn't support float. What command in Linux can replace expr and do this equalation?


paxdiablo picture paxdiablo · Aug 10, 2009

bc will do this for you, but the order is important.

> echo "scale = 2; 20 * 100 / 30" | bc
> echo "scale = 2; 20 / 30 * 100" | bc

or, for your specific case:

> export ach_gs=2
> export ach_gs_max=3
> x=$(echo "scale = 2; $ach_gs * 100 / $ach_gs_max" | bc)
> echo $x

Whatever method you choose, this is ripe for inclusion as a function to make your life easier:

function pct () {
    echo "scale = $3; $1 * 100 / $2" | bc

x=$(pct 2 3 2) ; echo $x # gives 66.66
x=$(pct 1 6 0) ; echo $x # gives 16