Top "Bar-chart" questions

A bar chart is graphical representation of data where the value is represented by the length of the bar.

matplotlib xticks labels overlap

I am not able to get nicer spaces between the xticks with the following code: import random import matplotlib.pyplot …

matplotlib bar-chart
D3 grouped bar chart: How to rotate the text of x axis ticks?

I'm using the Grouped Bar Chart(, but the text of the x-axis is very long, …

javascript svg d3.js bar-chart axis-labels
Allow horizontal scrolling only in the core-plot barchart?

I am using core-plot lib to draw bar charts in my app like this My problem is that i want …

iphone cocoa-touch core-graphics core-plot bar-chart
How to remove grid lines from Flot chart

I am using Flot in my application and it is working fine. I want to remove both vertical lines and …

flot bar-chart
making a stacked barchart in pandas

I would like to create a stacked bar plot from the following dataframe: VALUE COUNT RECL_LCC RECL_PI 0 1 15686114 3 1 1 2 27537963 1 1 2 3 23448904 1 2 3 4 1213184 1 3 4 5 14185448 3 2 5 6 13064600 3 3 6 7 27043180 2 2 7 8 11732405 2 1 8 9 14773871 2 3 There …

python pandas plot bar-chart stacked
Python libraries to generate charts and save as image file

I require to generate bar charts and then save them as images, in .png or .bmp format. Can anyone please …

python charts python-2.7 bar-chart pygooglechart
Setting both axes logarithmic in bar plot matploblib

I have already binned data to plot a histogram. For this reason I'm using the function. I'd like …

python matplotlib bar-chart loglog
How to make an R barplot with a log y-axis scale?

This should be a simple question... I'm just trying to make a barplot from a vector in R, but want …

r label axis bar-chart
geom_text position middle on a bar plot

Need help with the aligning of the labels on the barplot. Here is the reproducible code: library(ggmap) library(ggplot2) …

r ggplot2 bar-chart stackedbarseries
How to add group labels for bar charts in matplotlib?

I want to plot data of the following form using matplotlib's bar plot feature: data = {'Room A': {'Shelf 1': {'Milk': 10, …

python matplotlib bar-chart