Top "Backwards-compatibility" questions

Backward compatibility refers to a software or hardware system that can successfully use interfaces and data from earlier versions of the system.

How to warn about class (name) deprecation

I have renamed a python class that is part of a library. I am willing to leave a possibility to …

python class backwards-compatibility deprecation-warning
Will TortoiseSVN 1.7 work properly against a SVN 1.6 repository?

I would like to upgrade my TortoiseSVN installation to version 1.7. We have a VisualSVN server running with a SVN 1.6 repository. …

svn version-control tortoisesvn backwards-compatibility visualsvn-server
What is the difference between MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET and -mmacosx-version-min?

I often need to target Mac OS X versions that are older than the one I'm currently running. As I …

macos gcc backwards-compatibility
How well does jQuery support backward compatibility?

We have had issues with Mootools not being very backward compatible specifically in the area of drag and drop functionality. …

javascript jquery jquery-plugins mootools backwards-compatibility
Python's many ways of string formatting — are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?

Python has at least six ways of formatting a string: In [1]: world = "Earth" # method 1a In [2]: "Hello, %s" % world Out[2]: …

python printf string-formatting deprecated backwards-compatibility
what's the difference between -source and -target compatibility?

When using the Java compiler (javac), we can specify two kinds of compatibility. One is using -source and the other …

java compilation javac backwards-compatibility
inflating fragments with compatibility package android

I am trying to inflate a layout containing a Fragment using the backwards compatibility package. I took the jar file …

android backwards-compatibility android-fragments android-inflate
What does it really mean to target a framework, and how do I maximize compatibility?

Greetings all, This has confused me ever since I first started coding in C#. My goal is to create an …

c# .net assemblies compatibility backwards-compatibility
Web Services API Versioning

I offer a small Web Services API to my clients which I plan to evolve over time. So I need …

web-services wsdl versioning backwards-compatibility
How should I write my C++ to be prepared for C++ modules?

There are already two compilers that support C++ modules: Clang: MS VS 2015: http://…

c++ backwards-compatibility future-proof c++20 c++-modules