Top "Backbone.js-collections" questions

For Backbone questions specific to Backbone's collections.

Filter backbone collection by attribute value

I have a defined model and a collection: var Box = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 1, color: "black" } }); …

backbone.js underscore.js backbone.js-collections
How to find a model from a collection according to some attribute other than the ID?

I have a model with several object: //Model Friend = Backbone.Model.extend({ //Create a model to hold friend attribute name: …

javascript backbone.js backbone.js-collections
Backbone.js collection options

I have written a model/view/collection using Backbone.js. My collection uses the fetch method to load the models …

javascript backbone.js backbone.js-collections
Collection add event listener in Backbone

I am trying to update my view whenever I add a new model to my collection. My first question is …

javascript jquery backbone.js backbone-events backbone.js-collections
Fetch a collection using a POST request?

I have managed to work with REST API's to fetch() data where the urls contain minimal parameters (and use GET). …

javascript jquery backbone.js backbone.js-collections
Backbone: How to update a collection view when collection changes?

I'm relatively new to Backbone.js. I'm initializing a collection view and passing in a collection at creation time. suggestionsView = …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events backbone.js-collections
Is it possible to initialise a backbone Collection with object IDs rather than objects?

I have a Backbone.js Collection and I have an array of model IDs that I want to populate it. …

javascript backbone.js backbone.js-collections
set attribute of all models in backbone collection

I understand that using pluck method we can get an array of attributes of each model inside a backbone collection …

javascript backbone.js underscore.js backbone.js-collections
Saving jQuery UI Sortable's order to Backbone.js Collection

I have a Backbone.js collection that I would like to be able to sort using jQuery UI's Sortable. Nothing …

javascript jquery-ui backbone.js backbone.js-collections
How to pluck a Backbone collection's attribute

I want to create an array of specific attribute values from a Backbone collection. var days = this.collection.models, …

javascript backbone.js underscore.js backbone.js-collections