Top "Backbone-events" questions

This is for backbone.

Backbone 0.9.9: Difference between listenTo and on

I am trying to learn the new changes they did in Backbone 0.9.9. Currently I got problems to understand the difference …

javascript events backbone.js backbone-events
Correct way of binding multiple attribute changes to a Backbone.js model

I have the following code, where I bind a change to a single attribute "attribute_1". var Mine = Backbone.Model.extend({ …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events backbone-model
Binding multiple event types in backbone views

I was wondering if it is possible to bind multiple event types in backbone within a single line. Consider the …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events backbone-views
Backbone: How to update a collection view when collection changes?

I'm relatively new to Backbone.js. I'm initializing a collection view and passing in a collection at creation time. suggestionsView = …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events backbone.js-collections
Why is this sinon spy not being called when I run this test?

I have a Backbone Model: class DateTimeSelector extends Backbone.Model initialize: -> @bind 'change:date', @updateDatetime @bind 'change:time', @…

javascript backbone.js jasmine coffeescript backbone-events
{silent:true} in Backbone 1.0 version

I was updating my backbone version from 0.9.2 to 1.0 yet I've encountered a problem. The model is not updating properly. It …

backbone.js backbone-events backbone-model
How do I add a resize event to the window in a view using Backbone?

I have been trying to attach a handler to the resize event in one of my Backbone views. After doing …

javascript backbone.js backbone-events
In Backbone.js, why do silent changes trigger change events eventually?

When I pass {"silent":true} while setting an attribute in a Backbone model, why doesn't that just suppress the change:…

backbone.js backbone-events backbone-model
Backbone view click checkbox listener

<!DOCTYPE HTML > <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</…

backbone.js backbone-views backbone-events
window resize event for backbone view

I am using Backbone view in javascript. I have created a backbone view as follows : var MaskView = Backbone.View.extend({ …

javascript jquery backbone.js backbone-events