Top "Azure-service-fabric" questions

Azure Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform used to build scalable, reliable, and easily-managed applications for the cloud.

"Partition is below target replica or instance count" error after deploying service fabric application to public service fabric cluster

I have created a service fabric stateless reliable service, in which i used OWIN to host a web API. When …

Where do you set and access run-time configuration parameters per environment for service fabric?

For two environments, local and cloud, how would I set up custom settings or parameters for resources such as Sql …

azure azure-sql-database azure-service-fabric
Difference between Kubernetes and Service Fabric

I have worked on Kubernetes and currently reading about Service Fabric, I know Service Fabric provides microservices framework models like …

kubernetes containers azure-service-fabric
Azure Service Fabric vs Azure Container Services

I understand that both Azure Service Fabric and Azure Container Services can be used to host microservices through containers. In …

azure azure-service-fabric azure-container-service
Azure App Service vs Azure Service Fabric

Can anyone direct me to something that will explain when I should create an Azure Service Fabric application vs an …

azure azure-service-fabric azure-app-service-envrmnt
Unable to resolve service for type 'System.String' while attempting to activate 'MyService'

I'm seeing the following exception in my Service Fabric Stateless ASP.NET Core app. System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service … dependency-injection .net-core azure-service-fabric
Does Azure Service Fabric do the same thing as Docker?

My thinking is that people use Docker to be sure that local environment is the same as production and that … azure docker azure-service-fabric
API gateway/proxy pattern for microservices deployed using Azure Service Fabric

After watching the BUILD conference videos for Azure Service Fabric, I'm left imagining how this might be a good fit …

Azure Service Fabric activation error

The deployment of one of my apps to a Service Fabric Cluster failed and triggered an Unhealthy Evaluation with an …

azure azure-service-fabric azure-deployment
Where to store configuration values in Azure Service fabric application

I am working on Azure Service Fabric Reliable Actor implementation. Any idea/link on where can I store the Configuration …

azure azure-service-fabric