Top "Azure-resource-manager" questions

Azure Resource Manager is a framework for deploying and managing applications across resources and managing groups of resources as single logical units on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

Azure: The access token has been obtained from wrong audience or resource

Trying to create a simple task to list all resources in Azure portal. I followed the direction in the given …

python azure azure-resource-manager
VSTS Pipeline Deployment of ARM Error: Could not find any file matching the template file pattern

I am trying to deploy an Azure ARM script in VSTS Pipeline. I "Published" the Artifacts in the Build Step …

azure-devops azure-pipelines azure-resource-manager
Create Azure blob/fileshare container through ARM template

I am looking a way to create a container in Azure blob & file-share storage through ARM template. At present …

azure azure-storage azure-storage-blobs azure-resource-manager azure-storage-files
Connection timeout port 80 on new Azure VM with NSG rules configured

I just created a new Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine in Microsoft Azure using the (recommended) resource manager deployment model. The following …

azure azure-virtual-machine azure-virtual-network azure-resource-manager
Azure ARM template - using array variable

I am defining an alertrule inside my template.json with custom eMails which shall be alerted in case of an …

json azure azure-resource-manager azure-template
Referencing a Managed Service Identity in ARM-template deploy

When deploying a Microsoft.Web resource with the new MSI feature the principleId GUID for the created user is visible …

azure-resource-manager azure-managed-identity
Azure move app service to a different app service plan

I have the following setup: Resource group 1 App service plan 1 App Service 1 (app service plan 1) Resource group 2 App service plan 2 …

azure azure-resource-manager azure-app-service-plans