Azure Resource Manager is a framework for deploying and managing applications across resources and managing groups of resources as single logical units on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.
I have a Ubuntu VM on Azure (Resource Group, not the Classic VM) and it all worked out of the …
azure ssh virtual-machine azure-resource-manager azure-vm-roleI have an ARM template that has and outputs section like the following: "outputs": { "sqlServerFqdn": { "type": "string", "value": "[reference(concat(…
azure azure-devops azure-resource-managerI have a ARM VM created from a Marketplace: bitnami LAMP (Ubuntu) I've successfully captured an image. During the capture …
azure-powershell azure-resource-manager azureportalI'm trying to verify if ResourceGroup exist or not so i thought that following code should return true or false, …
powershell azure-resource-manager azure-powershellSo, I've setup a lab environment in a azure resource group with a domain controller, sql-server and a web server. …
azure azure-resource-managerI'm new to Azure architecture and am trying to understand why Azure Resource Groups, which are logical deployment buckets for …
azure scalability azure-web-app-service azure-resource-managerWe deploy azure resources using an ARM template as part of our build process before deploying the actual application. So …
json azure octopus-deploy azure-resource-managerIs there any way to retrieve the Instrumentation Key for an Application Insights instance in an Azure Resource Group template ? …
azure azure-application-insights azure-resource-managerI have an ARM template where I set up a load balancer and I want to add a number of …
azure arm-template azure-resource-managerThis started out as a SubscriptionNotFound error. var dnsClient = new DnsManagementClient(new Microsoft.Azure.TokenCloudCredentials(result.AccessToken)); var zone = dnsClient.…
c# azure azure-resource-manager