Top "Axlsx" questions

Ruby, JRuby and Rubinius Office Open XML (xlsx) generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable styles and full schema validation.

Formatting a cell as Text using the axlsx spreadsheet ruby gem?

I'm using the axlsx ruby gem to create Excel-compatible .xlsx files. I can't figure out how to override the cell …

ruby axlsx
Rails ActionController unknown format

I am trying to render a xlsx file. But I keep getting a 406/UnknowFormat. I have done the right setup, …

ruby-on-rails ruby actioncontroller axlsx
Setting Excel column widths correctly when adding to spreadsheet via Axlsx

I'm trying to format my report and making sure the columns have a correct width and I can't seem to …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 excel axlsx
Modify specific cell value using Axlsx gem given the column number and row numer

I am trying to use asxlx gem to write an excel sheet but I have failed miserably trying to access …

ruby-on-rails ruby axlsx