Top "Axis-labels" questions

The labels on any axis of a plot

Increase the length of plot tick marks

How can I increase the length of plot tick marks? Here is a small example: r <- as.POSIXct(…

r datetime plot axis-labels
HTML in Chart.js labels

I'd like to put some images and/or links in my chart's labels. Here's the example code and jsFiddle: var …

javascript axis-labels chart.js
Show only time labels on xAxis. Highcharts

I need to display only time labels on xAxis. I'm using Highcharts and don't fully understand how to do it. …

time highcharts axis-labels
How to adjust sizes of x-axis in dendrogram (R)?

I would like to adjust the x-axis in a dendrogram where all the labels are seen, for large data sets. …

r dendrogram axis-labels
Infinity symbol does not show in Matlab plot

I'm trying to include the infinity symbol ∞ in my axis label (e.g. the expression δ∞), so I typed \delta_{\infty}. …

matlab latex tex axis-labels infinity
Exporting ggplot2 grid to PDF error: 'Error in invalid font type'

I was wondering if any of you have encountered the following issue: When I attempt to export a plot to …

r pdf fonts ggplot2 axis-labels
Number of bars in histogram - R

I have two problems with the histogram I'm making: I'm trying to generate an histogram in R, using the function …

r histogram axis-labels bins
Scatter Plot 3D with labels and spheres

I am trying to make a scatter plot with some data points (x,y,z,radius) and this is my …

python numpy matplotlib 3d axis-labels
How to add axis labels for row chart using dc.js or d3.js

For Bar Chart and Stacked Chart, we can use .xAxisLabel("X Axis Label") and .yAxisLabel("Y Axis Label") functions to …

charts d3.js row axis-labels dc.js
How to display Axis Labels for Stacked Column chart ( chart control )?

I'm using ASP.NET Chart Controls for displaying some data. I'm not pulling any data from the database through a …

c# javascript microsoft-chart-controls axis-labels