Top "Awt" questions

The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit.

Using awt with android

I have a Java Swing application which draws diagrams. It uses Graphics2D calls and awt objects such as Rectangle …

android graphics awt
repaint() Method in Java

I am playing around with the Java graphics class a little bit and I was just wondering--when is it necessary …

java awt repaint
Java Event-Dispatching Thread explanation

I've recently started learning and exploring the basics of GUI programming in Java. Having been programming for a while I …

java swing awt event-dispatch-thread

My question is related to SwingUtilities.invokeLater. When should I use it? Do I have to use each time I …

java multithreading swing awt event-dispatch-thread
Add ButtonGroup to JPanel

JPanel.add(ButtonGroup); Is not working. I MUST add it to a JPanel because I am using tabs. This is …

java swing jpanel awt buttongroup
How can I programmatically generate keypress events?

What the java program should do is it should trigger keyboard press on some condition without a person pressing a …

java keyboard awt system awtrobot
What is an ImageObserver?

When you draw an image it requires an image observer. From what I understand so far a BufferedImage is an …

java awt bufferedimage imageobserver
Changing the colour of text in drawstring()

I'm trying to add emphasis to one work in a string im drawing using swing. I was advised to use …

java swing awt java-2d styledtext
How to rotate text with Graphics2D in Java?

I want to rotate text on a JPanel using Graphics2D.. My code is this: double paso=d.width/numeroBarras; …

java awt graphics2d
What is the difference between listeners and adapters?

I'm trying to differentiate between listeners and adapters. Are they pretty much the same but in listeners you have to …

java swing awt adapter listeners