AWS Secrets Manager helps encrypt, store, and retrieve credentials for your databases and other services.
I am attempting to use Secrets Manager a Lambda function in AWS. Secrets a manager is used to store database …
python amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-secrets-managerI am retrieving secrets I have stored in AWS secrets manager with the AWS cli like this: aws secretsmanager get-secret-value …
linux amazon-web-services aws-cli aws-secrets-managerI tried to wrap the example code snippet to get secrets in a function and then call it but it …
javascript node.js aws-lambda aws-secrets-managerI have a requirement to retrieve credentials from AWS Secret Manager, and I found that I need to add the …
amazon-web-services spring-boot aws-secrets-managerIs there anyway we can pass dynamic references to Secret Manager to AWS Launch Config User Data? Here is the …
amazon-web-services amazon-cloudformation aws-secrets-managerEDIT: AS OF Feb 2020, AWS SEEMS TO have FIXED THIS BUG. THE BASE64ing and other wise is no longer …
amazon-web-services aws-cli aws-secrets-managerI'm using AWS Fargate and storing sensitive data with Secrets Manager. Task definition should get environment variables from secrets store …
amazon-web-services amazon-ecs aws-fargate aws-secrets-managerI am currently working with Eclipse and the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. My project already works and it is doing …
java amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-sdk aws-secrets-managerI need to get elements from AWS dynamoDB and thrid party https service and merge those results in AWS appSyn …
amazon-web-services aws-appsync aws-secrets-managerI've created a secret and updated it to have a lambda rotation function My secret looks like aws secretsmanager list-secret-version-ids …
amazon-web-services aws-secrets-manager