Top "Aws-lambda" questions

AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code without the overhead of managing servers.

AWS Lambda: How to set up a NAT gateway for a lambda function with VPC access

As per this document, if I need to access internet resources from my Lambda function with VPC access, I need …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda
reading files triggered by s3 event

Here is what i want to do : User uploads a csv file onto AWS S3 bucket. Upon file uploaded, S3 …

python csv amazon-s3 aws-lambda serverless-framework
Access AWS S3 from Lambda within VPC

Overall, I'm pretty confused by using AWS Lambda within a VPC. The problem is Lambda is timing out while trying …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 aws-lambda amazon-vpc
How can I publish to a MQTT topic in a Amazon AWS Lambda function?

I would like to have an easy command like I use in the bash to publish something to a topic …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda publish mqtt
how to connect a cloudwatch alarm to a lambda function

How do you connect an aws cloud watch alarm to a lambda function invocation? I am programmatically adding a cloud …

amazon-web-services amazon-sns amazon-cloudformation aws-lambda amazon-cloudwatch
AWS API Gateway Custom Authorizer AuthorizerConfigurationException

For a Kinesis stream, I created a proxy API using AWS API Gateway. I added a custom authorizer using python …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway custom-authentication
How to read csv file from s3 bucket in AWS Lambda?

I am trying to read the content of a csv file which was uploaded on an s3 bucket. To do …

python amazon-s3 aws-lambda boto3 aws-serverless
AWS Lambda: How to store secret to external API?

I'm building a monitoring tool based on AWS Lambda. Given a set of metrics, the Lambdas should be able to …

node.js security amazon-web-services aws-lambda
How can we use serverless.yml to create an AWS S3 bucket and add a file to it?

I'm wondering if it's possible to leverage serverless.yml to create a bucket and add a specific file to it …

amazon-s3 aws-lambda amazon-cloudformation serverless-framework
Can I limit concurrent invocations of an AWS Lambda?

I have a Lambda function that’s triggered by a PUT to an S3 bucket. I want to limit this …

amazon-web-services locking aws-lambda