Amazon Simple Notification Service is a highly available, cloud hosted publish/subscribe manager.
I don't understand when I would use SNS versus SQS, and why are they always coupled together?
amazon-web-services amazon-sqs amazon-snsCan you publish a message to an SNS topic using an AWS Lambda function backed by node.js?
amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-snsI am trying to send SNS messeges to android through web api. Downloaded and installed the SDK from http://aws.…
php amazon-web-services google-cloud-messaging aws-sdk amazon-snsI am using AWS resources for my android project, I am planning to add push notification service for my project …
android amazon-web-services google-cloud-messaging amazon-sns firebase-cloud-messagingI am trying to publish to an SNS topic which will then notify a Lambda function, as well as an …
python-2.7 amazon-sns aws-lambda boto3I'm using Amazon SNS. Notifications work well, but sometimes I get this error: { "message": "Endpoint is disabled", "code": "EndpointDisabled", "name": "…
amazon-web-services amazon-snsOur app now has targetSdkVersion 26 (Android 8) and the app uses FCM push notifications. As FCM documentation prescribes I updated the …
android firebase-cloud-messaging amazon-sns notification-channelI have a issue with publishing sns to a specific endpoint. My code: var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWS.config.loadFromPath(…
node.js amazon-web-services amazon-snsI have been searching all over the web and nothing gives a clear answer to confirm the subscription request from …
amazon-web-services amazon-snsI am having difficulty with a Java based Lambda function setup to receive messages from SNS. My function looks like …
amazon-web-services amazon-sns aws-lambda