AWS Lambda Edge or Lambda@Edge, lets user run AWS Lambda Functions across AWS edge locations globally using AWS-Cloudfront, which helps in sending responses to end users at the lowest latency.
Hi I've followed this instruction try to resize image with Cloudfront and lambda@edge. When I tried to test the …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-cloudformation amazon-cloudfront aws-lambda-edgeMotivation for doing this approach in the first place comes from Amazon: (…
amazon-web-services environment-variables aws-lambda-edgeThis question already exists here but I think it will have more impact on SO. I created an AWS Lambda@…
amazon-web-services lambda aws-lambda amazon-cloudfront aws-lambda-edgeI have a not completely orthodox CF->S3 setup. The relevant components here are: Cloudfront distribution with origin s3.…
amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-cloudfront aws-lambda-edge