Top "Aws-kms" questions

AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is an encryption and key management service scaled for the cloud.

boto3 client NoRegionError: You must specify a region error only sometimes

I have a boto3 client : boto3.client('kms') But it happens on new machines, They open and close dynamically. if …

python linux amazon-web-services boto3 aws-kms
How to use Async and Await with AWS SDK Javascript

I am working with the AWS SDK using the KMS libary. I would like to use async and await instead …

node.js aws-sdk aws-kms
Use terrform to update a KMS Key Policy

Does anyone know how I would get Terraform to UPDATE an existing KMS Key policy? I already have the KMS …

amazon-web-services amazon-iam terraform aws-kms
How can I call Amazon's AWS kms decrypt function without using a binary file?

I have code that retrieves a string that was encrypted using Amazon's aws kms encrypt function. I would like to …

amazon-web-services aws-kms
InvalidCiphertextException when calling kms.decrypt with S3 metadata

I can add a client-side encrypted file via the Java SDK, and I can fetch the file too. I'm now …

python amazon-web-services amazon-s3 boto3 aws-kms
How to use AWS KMS in AWS lambda

I've just started to work with AWS services, particularly AWS Lambda. Is there a way to use AWS KMS service …

aws-lambda aws-kms
How do I get AWS cross-account KMS keys to work?

I'm trying to set up cross-account access to allow for an external account to use my KMS key to decrypt …

amazon-web-services amazon-iam aws-kms
What is Sid attribute use for in key policies?

Here is a documentation: Sid – (Optional) The Sid is a statement identifier, an arbitrary string you can use to identify …

amazon-web-services amazon-cloudformation aws-kms
Attempting to decrypt ciphertext within a Lambda function using KMS results in timeout

When decrypting ciphertext from the command line using the AWS CLI, the ciphertext gets decrypted without issues: $ aws kms decrypt …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-sdk aws-kms aws-sdk-nodejs
How to use Fn::If with array values in cloud formation templates

I am working on a cloud formation template for a KMS key. In the policy document I want to set …

amazon-web-services amazon-cloudformation aws-kms