Top "Aws-batch" questions

AWS Batch enables you to run batch computing workloads on the AWS Cloud.

configured logging driver does not support reading : Docker

I am running my docker container in AWS ECS. When i try to execute the below command to read the …

amazon-web-services docker amazon-ecs aws-batch
ECS unable to assume role

From the console, I am invoking a lambda which submits a batch job. The batch job fails, indicating that ECS …

amazon-web-services aws-batch aws-ecs
What is the best way to run python scripts in AWS?

I have three python scripts,,, and, each having 3 runtime arguments to be passed. All three python programs …

python amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-step-functions aws-batch
How to get Subnet list from VPC with terraform

I've tried to get all subnet ids to add aws batch with terraform with following code: data "aws_subnet_ids" "…

terraform terraform-provider-aws aws-batch
Why are AWS Batch Jobs stuck in RUNNABLE?

I use a computing environment of 0-256 m3.medium on demand instances. My Job definition requires 1 CPU and 3 GB of …

amazon-web-services aws-batch aws-ecs
AWS Lambda/ Aws Batch work flow

I have written a lambda that is triggered off s3 bucket to unzip a zip file and process a text …

java amazon-web-services amazon-s3 workflow aws-batch