Top "Avi" questions

This tag is for questions about playback of, creation of, and programmatic interaction with, Audio Video Interleave (*.avi) files.

Does HTML5 <video> playback support the .avi format?

I am wondering if the HTML5 <video> tag now supports playback of .avi format video files.

video html avi
how to embed an .AVI in html?

I've found some examples of .AVI in html on the web. But my page is …

html avi
Writing AVI files in OpenCV

There example on the net and code given in Learn OpenCv,Orielly. After many attempts the out.avi file is …

c video opencv avi
OpenCV: VideoCapture::get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) returns 0 FPS

I am trying to get the fps from my camera so that I can pass it to the VideoWriter for …

c++ windows opencv camera avi
Java: How do I create a movie from an array of images?

I basically have an matrix of bytes. Each row (meaning byte[]) represents an image. How do I create a movie …

java image movie avi mpeg
Create a Video Stream (AVI) from a Series of Images

There is an IP web camera that I wrote a .NET class for sometime ago. It's basically a Timer implementation …

.net video-streaming jpeg avi
Getting frames from .avi video using OpenCV

#include "cv.h" #include "highgui.h" int main(int argc, char** argv) { CvCapture* capture=0; IplImage* frame=0; capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("C:\\boy …

video opencv frame avi
c# AForge.NET - how to save video from camera to file

I need some help with saving video from laptop camera to file. Now i use code to search video devices …

c# video avi aforge
Batch File Loop Skip File if name contains

I am creating this batch file, that works with handbrakecli, to batch convert avi to mp4. However I am stuck …

batch-file mp4 avi handbrake
MATLAB getframe captures whatever is on screen

I am trying to create a movie from my MATLAB plot. When I call getframe, it "usually" captures the plot …

matlab video screen-capture avi