Top "Autopostback" questions

autopostback is an attribute set on asp.

Have to click button twice in (after autopostback textbox)

On a page I have: <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="EmailTextBox" AutoPostBack="true" OnTextChanged="EmailTextBox_Changed" /> <asp:… autopostback
ASP:Checkbox how to autopostback only on checked?

I've got a checkbox that's set up as below: <asp:CheckBox ID="myCheckbox" runat="Server" OnClick="showLoadingScreen(this.checked);" … javascript checkbox postback autopostback
customvalidator for dropdownlist not being invoked (apparently)

Writing a custom validator for a dropdownlist that is using autopostback. Seems to ignore the validation altogether. Why is it … drop-down-menu customvalidator autopostback
C# Webform file upload with button postback not with POST

I have a Webform(aspx) page. In it we basically have this form that we "post" when pressing a button, …

c# .net file-upload webforms autopostback
How to avoid UpdatePanel scrolling on AutoPostBack?

I have an ASP.NET FormView within an updatepanel. I'm auto-saving the form by setting AutoPostBack=true for each of … updatepanel scroll autopostback
ASP.NET: how to stop page from jumping when using AutoPostBack?

I'm using ASP.NET, and in a Wizard control I have radio buttons where if "Yes" is selected, a panel … wizard autopostback page-jump maintainscrollpositionon
HTML form with single text field + preventing postback in Internet Explorer

I have noticed a rather strange behaviour in IE. I have a HTML form with a single input text field …

javascript internet-explorer javascript-events autopostback
Why SelectedIndexChanged fires for a DropDownList when a button is clicked?

I have an ASP.NET DropDownList with AutoPostBack=true and EnableViewState=false. I have a button on the page that …

.net drop-down-menu viewstate autopostback
Stop DropDownList In webforms from refreshing the page

I have a normal dropdownlist: <asp:DropDownList ID="kindofser" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" Height="21px" Width="166px" onselectedindexchanged="kindofser_… drop-down-menu autopostback
ASP.NET UpdatePanel not working, it refreshes the whole page

I'm new in using UpdatePanel, I Have 2 DropDownList: DropDownList_1 and DropDownList_2 where DropDownList_2 content will be dependent to DropDownList_1 selected …

c# updatepanel autopostback