Top "Autoplay" questions

AutoPlay, a feature introduced in Windows XP, examines newly discovered removable media and devices and, based on content such as pictures, music or video files, launches an appropriate application to play or display the content.

HTML 5 Autoplay Google Chrome Android Not Playing

I'm trying to play automatically a video when the user open the page on browser. On my laptop autoplay works …

android google-chrome html5-video autoplay
How to stop embedded videos on my website from autoplaying

embed src="clip2.mp4" width="600" height="400" scale="aspect" controller="true" This is the code I have used to display the …

html video autoplay
Auto-Running a program from USB flash drive

I have been up and down the internet looking for ways to configure a flash drive to auto play a …

autorun autoplay
Embedded youtube video with "autoplay=1". Does it count towards views?

I can cause an embed youtube video to begin playing automatically using "autoplay=1" When a user views the embedded video …

algorithm youtube views embed autoplay
Revolution slider video autoplay not working

I have a problem with autoplay in chrome. <!-- BACKGROUND VIDEO LAYER--> <div class="…

video slider autoplay
gif animation not playing on refresh

First time I view the page with an animated .gif it plays fine on page load (lasts about 2 secs). On …

animation refresh gif autoplay browser-refresh
Muted autoplay videos stop playing in Safari 11.0

I have these videos on my site with attributes listed below: <video width="100%" poster="poster_url.png" autoplay loop …

html video safari autoplay
Autoplay HTML on CD for Windows & Mac

I'm building a CD for a client that contains a video training course. I am building it in HTML and …

html autoplay
Embedding YouTube video with Autoplay AND starting video at a particular time

I was wondering if it is possible to autoplay an embedded YouTube video AND also have the video start at …

youtube embedding autoplay
Play and stop Vimeo video placed in Bootstrap modal

I have a Vimeo iframe video in Bootstrap video. I need to have it start playing when I trigger modal …

twitter-bootstrap modal-dialog vimeo autoplay