Top "Autoloader" questions

autoload is a language convention which allows missing classes or method dependencies to be loaded on-demand.

CodeIgniter: "Unable to load the requested class"

On my WAMP box, I did the following: Added a file called /application/libraries/Foo.php Foo.php is a …

php codeigniter autoloader
Why am I getting PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'MyClass' not found?

This works: class MyClass { public $prop = 'hi'; } class Container { static protected $registry = []; public static function get($key){ if(!array_key_…

php oop dependency-injection namespaces autoloader
Why include __DIR__ in the require_once?

For example, I always see autoloaders called like this: require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; What is the difference …

php autoloader
Autoloader for functions

Last week I learned that classes can be included in your project by writing an __autoload() function. Then I learned …

php function class autoloader
How to call __autoload() in php code

I am new to php and I want to use php5's __autoload functionality in my code. I wrote below …

php autoload autoloader
Class Firebase\JWT\JWT not found

I want to use pure firebase/php-jwt library in my code. Firstly, I go to /var/www/html/ and like …

php composer-php autoloader
Laravel Alias not finding class

I am trying to register an Alias to a class, but Laravel can't find the class, i can reference the …

php class laravel alias autoloader
using multiple autoloaders php

Hello I am trying to use SILEX micro framework together with my own library full of classes and therefore I …

php autoloader
JavaScript Autoloader?

Is there a solution out there where I can have JavaScript/jQuery autoload dependent files when needed? For example, consider …

javascript jquery jquery-ui autoloader
How to fix error of composer post-install-cmd script?

I would like to use composer script to do some post installation such as copying files from bootstrap vendor folder …

php composer-php autoloader