Top "Authorize" questions

Override Authorize Attribute in ASP.NET MVC

I have an MVC controller base class on which I applied the Authorize attribute since I want almost all of …

.net security authentication authorize
MVC 4 Forms Authentication not working with [Authorize]

I'm learning MVC4 right now, and I am following the Pro ASP NET MVC4 4th edition book to create a …

c# forms-authentication authorize
Authorize attribute and jquery AJAX in MVC

I have used jquery ajax function to submit a form. The users have to be logged in else they must … ajax authorize
ASP .Net MVC 4 Authorize and AllowAnonymous

I am completely new with this framework and I am still learning the basics of it and C#. Meanwhile, I … authorize
Facebook authorize w/permissions request yield "Page Not Found"

Somewhere along the way in the past few weeks, the authorize Facebook call in iOS fails with a "Page Not …

ios facebook permissions single-sign-on authorize
Using a policy's this->authorize() check in a laravel controller inside a store() method

So I was reading about using laravel policies for granting authorities on the resources of my application but there seems …

php laravel authorize policies entrust
Check authorize in SignalR attribute

i have some services on ServiceStack and use SignalR in this project. And now, i would like to secure hub …

c# servicestack signalr authorize
Spring Security: method is not secured with @PreAuthorize annotation

I would like to secure method in my managed session bean for specific role "ROLE_ADMIN" config(applicationContext-security.xml): <…

java spring spring-security roles authorize
MVC 3 Authorize custom roles

I am new MVC 3 user and I am trying to make admin through SQL database. First of all, I have … authorize
Laravel - Restrict certain downloads using authentication

Lets say I want to make an application where users can upload private files to a laravel based website. I …

php file laravel download authorize